
Content that gets you noticed

How we can help



We specialise in creating and delivering professional content. We help you distill your story, and work out the best way to tell it—whether it be a journalism-style profile, snappy website copy, a well-written report, a podcast or a public talks program. We can also help you develop a content strategy.


There are many ways to tell your story. Why not put on a public talk or series of speaking events? We can help you develop a theme, source talent and produce an interesting and engaging event.


Dent & Co. can help you tell your story in a clear, concise and engaging way. Bring life to your turgid report, white paper or press release by using everyday language.


Are you unsure how to tell your story? Are you confused about what to say or what is unique about yourself or your organisation? Did you get a scary phone call from a journalist and don’t know what to say? We are here to come up with communications plans, key messages and answers to stressful media queries.

Features + PRESS RELEASES + Op Eds

We can write professional feature-length and news-style stories, as well as compelling press releases, case studies and punchy blog posts. We can research stories, do interviews, pen op eds or put together a snappy Q + A style feature. How good will all this look on your site?

PHOTOGRAPHY, graphic design, digital, brochures, photo shoots, films

Dent & Co. works with a network of some of Sydney’s leading creatives. These include art directors and graphic designers, as well as photographers specialising in photojournalism, portraiture and advertising.